Education Forward DC

Education Forward DC
Yvonne T. Favors
October 17, 2017

partner Highlights

Education Forward DC works to advance equality and equity in public schools by providing funding and strategic support to high-impact leaders to help double the number of underserved students who are college and career ready.



2017- 2020| $ 1,000,000


In the District of Columbia, there has been a shortage of teachers, which is reflective of the national “teacher pipeline” crisis of quality teachers stemming from both fewer new entrants to the field and the alarming decline of current teacher retention. Teacher shortages have resulted in vacancies of highly qualified teaching positions for classrooms of all sizes.


VPP’s partner is leveraged by Ed Forward’s partner of $1 million, and the $1 million partner another funder, for a total of $3 million in start-up capital to establish the Relay Graduate School of Education (Relay) in Washington, D.C. Relay is a nationally accredited alternative school of education that offers graduate degrees and credentials in teacher education and school leadership. Relay is recognized for its unique emphasis on demonstrating teacher effectiveness by requiring their Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) candidates to document improved student outcomes as a graduation requirement of the program.

VPP’s strategic assistance will help Relay evaluate the long-term effect of its alumni on student outcomes and support implementation of strategic initiatives, including family engagement, that produce culturally competent teachers who can successfully educate students from diverse backgrounds.


VPP’s partner in Ed Forward as a co-investor in Relay will help the graduate school achieve its aspirations to:

  • Build and scale the D.C. site to increase the number of high-quality teachers in the city in both the District of Columbia Public Schools and D.C. public charter schools.
  • Launch its first D.C. cohort in the summer of 2017, scaling to enroll at least 230 new and experienced teachers annually, within five years.

Based on these projections, by year five, Relay’s D.C. campus will produce 110 new teachers each year.

Yvonne T. Favors
Yvonne T. Favors